Sunday, October 23, 2016

A dream yet not a Dream

I had a dream, saw a dove (i guess pigeon) feeding her young chicks in their coup on a tree top. The chicks were chirping of happiness and satisfaction. Suddenly an eagle appeared and snatched away that bird, leaving those fragile and helpless babies crying behind of seeing their mother been robbed from them, clamped between strong claws of that eagle. I was screaming n mourning as well by that site of the pain and agony on both sides- hearing of the painful sound on one and the sight of dragging on the other. Helpless, I was feeling the fear that bird went through- of dying and the pain of missing her little love who were to be never seen again, or how would they survive of their own. I got awakened from that sleep where then I realized that it was a dream. Unfortunately, that is our real world too.

Sunday, April 24, 2016



Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Monday, April 11, 2016



Friday, April 1, 2016

Thousand objectives and commitments could could one fulfillment,
One single output from all those would count thousand fulfillment


Obstacles that we consider in a mundane world are the opportunities in real Dharma practices.
Perfect example- a crumbling defeat from an opponent, or a sharp blow, otherwise having a pain sensation at its mundane experiences, is an opportunity for realization of in-depth wisdom  on what it would mean to others with that piece of hardship, and therefore practicing endurance.

Thus, all is the matter of realization, nothing good or bad inherently

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Seeing fault in others have two sources;

Either the opponent poses that faulty behavior, or because of one's own negative attitude that we fail to see the good things in others

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Earning Vs. Learning

Earning is not important, learning is important, but in this modern world, only earning can make learning possible.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Sunday, March 6, 2016


Spring ascends, like early golden globe,
A faint thrill then perch in my thirsty heart,
Same thrill once was; exists again,
Investiture- then begins my new year
I open my eyes for first drizzle,
Trickling down, beating soft, young sprouts,
And onto base, garland so fair woven,
With tiny water beads round,
Until all greens to blossoms fairy-
Whole existence then rejoice
Heavens merry, playing their best music,
With drums of fragranced season surround,
Butterflies dance around blithely in rhythm,
All busy from earliest of cockerels sing till dusk,
Flittering fast over, for newest juice ever formed
But ere them, my heart hovers faster,
Petals to petals, pollen to pollen,
Until all the pearly seals busted,
Of morning dew curling over juvenile bloom,
For then I see butterflies blessing me.
Sometimes, through green spring forest,
Float along the fragrance of young sprouts,
To nest by those thousand mellow chirps,
As though all for contest, singing till late-
I see myself heartily blended,
Amidst tinted blossoms of sleeping orchids,
Hearing then their soft pulse throb,
Over rough branches of old feathery oak,
And the chants of nature’s song, warm within
I see the faint spring clouds rising,
Bouncing merrily everywhere, praising,
For young blossoms they passed by,
Hugging hard from base to summit, until beyond
Then I find the earth yet not earth,
Myself, beyond human twinge

Thus I honor the spring flowers,
I honor those early spring showers,
Which they from morning gleam,
Blend to minute curves of colored bow,
Till to billows all towards heavens ascend,

I recoil heart numbed, counting until next.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Gist for problem solving

Through constant analysis, now I realize that over half of the problems could be solved by simply not thinking, many more just be keeping shut, and only few through practically looking into its solutions

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Truth of Time

Life comes the way it goes, then goes the way it came, so we should keep attached for neither yesterday or the tomorrow, neither good or the bad, just that the wrong view makes the next moment worse

Saturday, February 6, 2016

To gear towards perfection

The success in life comes not by trying to catch other's speed, but by catching one's own speed

Monday, January 18, 2016

From mind perspective, if we cleanse the moment called "now" and retained so, we are simultaneously cleansing yesterday and tomorrow, because all these three tenses are inseparable from one another. To supplement, those who attained enlightened some 2500 years ago might not have gone to the beginning of their existence to cleanse the negativity of those moments.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Education and Civilization

I walk on the path made by mankind, I step over the smooth surface, I step over the rough. I read a chapter on contentment and compare in my mind, but the wisdom is hardly lodged, though I claim that I understood the chapter to full.
This is the pattern of modern education, well versed in extinguishing the man razed wild fire with help of technologies and equipment, yet at grass root level on the wisdom why we shouldn’t raze that beautiful forest (just an example). I came up through the process of education which taught me to become a doctor, an engineer, a pilot, an electrician, but not yet an intrinsic human. I learned the pleasure of luxuries, but not educated on the pain of pleasure. Education has reached people to the moon, stars, but not yet the ground of humanity. I see all these forms of education as more of wants than needs, whereby the true needs of the education may lie in finding the peace in oneself, in one’s environment, people, animals and all forms of the surroundings. Is it true my friends? Or if you find it controversial, why not we turn around and see, the wars, destruction, fighting for power, position, inheritance, etc, etc. None of these ideas might have come from the mind of blind, or illiterate, or to the people who are not exposed to any form of education, be it religious, cultural or modern.
Our lifestyle is so entrapped in the experience of past and future that we fail to rejoice the moment now, which has the potential to explore all the beauties of this world. This is not included in any form of education that a child is born and brought up into. When I say I am my environment and not the true self, it means that our life is dominated by the sense of beautification, competition, luxuries, etc, which incurs huge chunk of mind energy in the form of mental poisons, such as desire, anger, hatred, jealousy and so on. A person remaining within the boundaries of four walls physically and mentally have least to compare with the world, against the one who has already put himself amidst competitions and selective livelihood.
How can we inculcate such habits of discovering the peace and contentment, going through the current form of life and education? Such findings and theories needs to be incorporated in modern education from the basic, at par with the one that demands competitions for survival. Comparing the life process, survival of the fittest, from a single celled organism which existed as the only living form at the time of evolution, we see now diverse forms of existence as per the environment they got and type of adaptation they developed for survival. This teaches us that, the kind of world we are living now, kind of environment we have around us is all made by ourselves, which has in turn made us.  
Such environment further decides us as to what kind of human will be born in future to adapt with the situations available then.
Some of the religious views say that our world has entered the phase of degeneration, and it is high time that we start developing the sense of responsibilities in creating a healthy and peaceful environment for our own betterment. This really strikes in my mind when I look at our environment, our societies, relationship and all other forms of existence. How ignorant it is that we betray the law of cause and effect as coined by one of the greatest scientists; every action has its equal and opposite reaction, or, as you sow, so shall you reap. Doesn’t it apply to each and every one of us? We mayn’t fight against the natural calamities such as Earthquakes, volcanoes, etc. But we have the power to fight against wars, hatred and destructions or so since all these comes from lack or inappropriate form of education that we receive. Just for instance, during our primary or medium education, we end up mugging diverse forms of subjects and chapters such as history, geography, English, but at par, I feel it is highly important to incorporate the education system on humanity. A student who has streamlined his profession into medical or engineering has least to do with his primary school subjects, but as much we give due preference until he/she chooses a profession, that person should be receiving equal education on the science of good human behaviour and practices so that the wisdom gained benefits at all level of profession and livelihood.
 When I think of my age about 50 years later or so, I assume my environment a very different one, with all my responsibilities handed over to the upcoming generations. But how they will take charge is what we inculcate in them now, the wisdom we generated from our elders now. But if we ourselves are not well seasoned with right guidance and environment, what good will my generation gain from me? and this is how the things go on degenerating. To supplement with few words from my poem- water fall the comfort, if I sum it up in one sentence, comfort drags us into further comfort, which thus the comfort we got yesterday turns insufficient tomorrow. Then we are dragged down towards seeking more comfort, more luxury, where we end up being just the lump of flesh and blood, with no vigour to deal with the system of nature.
So to produce a genuine human, we need to step forward very carefully as we are the messengers between past and future, so we be assured that just the cream is handed over.

To conclude, rather than claiming to be the follower of perfect religion, culture or holding a high lineage, what is more important for us is to become a good human, accumulating right wisdom and leading a right livelihood.