Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Autumn song

Season of trimming and merry making,
Season of laughter and celebrations,
For here uncoils, serene northern child,
Beneath guidance of azure heavens,
Dusk breathes happier,
Aged towers revive with bloom and fall,
Capped up to their lowest belly,
And away from gleams of pinning sheen,
Lives from higher earth starts rolling down,
Beyond mid and low of the matured green,
High above rocky hives, pale and lifeless,
For furry beaded cobwebs to guard upon,
Green bosoms of earth, now tinted,
With young assets of summer, tumbled ripe,
From base to height, with hued pulps and juices,
Serving fullest, to all earthlings, fair
Matured corns now tumble down bounty,
For lower lives to quench and rejoice too,
Minced well, within warmth of their existence,
Giant bubbling falls sickened lean and lazy,
With shrunken labor, breathing their waning vigor
Fluffy blankets then, the caps and crown
For diminishing color, green to brown
That is autumn, season for nature's fashion
I walk through giant furry blankets, cold cushion
I walk through trails of crystal beaded lawn,
My pain seal thus, watching cobwebs gleam,
Then rejoice warmth of the faint feeble sun.

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