Friday, October 2, 2015


O cease, the fire of human desires,
From pleasant tasting, sight or sound,
All from my pondering heart,
Or paint my earth with one,
So would I track, no red roses bloom

O swirl, you crazy silent creep,
Down a cold wintry night,
Swirl me; my origin, away from town,
So would I perceive then, how chill fight,
In wild, those shrunken deer down

O nurture, my nerves with selfless songs
Or bless my inner flowing,
Chaste and truth, of divine’s choice,
So would I sow, heavens here,
All bud fast and humane bloom

O bath, you holy shower; my body
An engorged vessel of greed and pride,
So would I prove, my flesh built,
Nurtured earth that grew outside,
Which, then breathed to new life in spring,

But what holds me so blind,
Like fallen prey on a sticky web,
Locking hard my inner sight,
And swaying me, like a paper flight,
Soiling my reason to fruitless toil

Is it all, by divine bond of mother’s love?
Or growing greens from same soil,
That mix in my greedy blood,
Slanting my conscience, like summer flood,
Or caged dark in a sealed narrow vaunt

O heavens, soil-less souls,
Please rain down, and hold me too,
Keep me by your revered self,
And nail me to your healing wing,
For I would soothed be, a divine’s slave,

Than the height of worldly king

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