Monday, August 17, 2015

Noble fruit

I aim for perfect end,
As I stoop old, and stiffened bend,
Towards peaceful vapor, silence cold
Like calm breeze, or midnight moon,
Tranquil Blend with mindless mind,
Or mind selfless, open or close
All tinge like summer haze dissolved,
All grasping like lotus out-turned,
Or benevolent sprout chaste,
Mighty earth which bless and blow.
I recognize now, a moment
Different me from one yesterday,
Different yet from unsure tomorrow,
Where are those sorrows I breathed?
Where gone that mirth?
Who shall prove thus,
Mind same from distance long,
In perfect ease now, but I recall
Wasn’t I restless then? Or wished for some,
Vague in my nerves, shadows dark,
And for blossoms, my heart longing,
None thus, assets of passing self,
No thread linking, committed beads,
Rather, stacked mound of smelted coins.
Thus seeking not, with impious nerves,
Shall strive for a perfect ‘now’
‘Now’ in conscience deep and one,
Alike comfy couch of midnight air,
Though still there, yet into distance afar,
Or an unseen moving star
Let the moving not move,
Rather, an empty sealed vaunt,
Excellence serving serene within,
Luminous and radiant,
Clear for timeless ever.