Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Perished lovers

I unearthed a rusted metal coin,
Little pound for an unarmed soul,
Read some scripts over- “for my perished lover”
Mystery dug then, my nerves deep,
For why hue in silence,
In roots of deep virgin forest,
Am I, by destiny virtue? Or just fun,
Curiosity pricked my vigor kindle,
Senses streamlined, I pulled a brown twig,
And shuffled away those leafy base,
Vigorous strokes unearth more and more,
- Until more

Amidst eve of dribbling sweats,
A girl condensed within, crawling so near,
‘Don’t dig my house, don’t dig”
Situation jerked me some distance far,
Freezing my lips to numb and breathless,
She came flying fast,
Touch fainter than the faintest breeze,
Her cry pierced, with tears drying halfway
Before long that dug base soiled wet,
I tried to hold her, alike a rainbow up,
Who could ever? Mere figured air,
Tinted with breathing mixture,
Rather I hold my terrorized mind,

Yet sitting too near, determined heart paused,
A handful distance from her air boat,
She stretched her faint finger to my cheeks,
And cried high again-
Other shivering hand pointing an encaged hut,
Under thick jungle vines and rotting pulps,
“There lives my love, myself here”
A cautioned march nearer, and whole then,
But, all decaying bones of some ages,
Hung by a leathery length of thick mushy rope
She too dissolved into thin fuming air

Was she monstrous, or aid she longed?
I shrieked and galloped, with feeble paining heart,
Across corn fields, plunging into muddy streams,
Far in the valley below, saw countrymen riding-
My destination was warmer than ever,
Heart sobbed loud, merging with every passerby.

Now in the silence of dreams and awakened mind,
Seeking abreast bosom of my love, hugging
I question myself-
Is that love…or selflessness?
That two hold one, beyond lives
I assume more - love is one
Love is selflessness!